-FOUR Worlds, FOUR Levels, FOUR Locations, FOUR Objects-
FOUR is a project inspired by Video games, Historical events, Nature and Short Stories. These four things will inspire the creation of four different worlds, each of which is a new level, and will inspire the creation of four different objects or beings and mini locations for each world that the 'Player' must find in order to complete the level.
This is the documentation of a players progress through the 'game' you may see the mistakes they make and the things they see, the events will unfold before your eyes and there's nothing you can do to help the player, you just have to watch.
Player 1, otherwise known as Tellurian (an inhabitant of the Earth) is put into a virtual game in which they must complete four levels. Within the four worlds, they must find four objects and beings and four locations in order to move onto the next level. Each level/world increases in difficulty, some may appear to be easy and a safe place, even a Utopian world, but how do you know if you're being manipulated, brainwashed or indoctrinated?
The objects are crucial to find, and without them the harder it will be to survive each level, some are totems of the future, what you may encounter, or what you should never encounter. If you do not find them, you will be likely to go down the wrong path and put yourself in danger. They offer guidance. You may also come across beings, some will be good, others bad. But, find these and it will show you are heading in the right direction.
Finally, you must find four locations within each world. These may hold the objects or even inhabit the beings you may come across. But each location will be of great help, some may have items that will help you survive, some may direct you to the next object, being or location, and one will move you onto the next level. But only if you find all of the objects, beings and mini locations before.
The only thing you do not have four of is lives.

None of the game worlds or levels are based upon real events. Any resemblance to actual events and people without authorisation are fully coincidental. The story, events, characters and objects created for -FOUR- were created for this Photography and Art University project only.