Elsa Dorfman is an American Portrait Photographer, she is mainly known for her use of a large-format instant Polaroid Camera.
I came across her work a couple of years ago from a documentary on Netflix - The B-Side. It's about her work and her life, it's emotional and captivating.
'The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography, Errol Morris explores the life of a gifted analog photographer facing a digital present. Dorfman, with whimsical charm and wit, gives her longtime friend a tour of her backyard garage-turned-archive.'

I decided to contact Miss Dorfman is 2018, and I was lucky enough to get a reply. She was humorous and insightful and I looked forward to each reply.
This is the conversation I had with her. I decided not to edit the text, the spelling mistakes or abbreviations. This was what made me look forward to the replies, she is a unique and whimsical woman and the conversation will always be special to me. The fact I was able to contact and have a conversation that lasted a few days will always amaze me.
Ms Dorfman,
I am a first year photography student studying at Plymouth College of Art. I have recently been given a new brief in which I have to get in contact with a photographer who I find inspiring and interview them. I was wondering if I would be able to interview you about your work. I recently watched a documentary recommended to me by a friend who was lucky enough to contact you recently, and I have to say the documentary was stunning. The amount of effort that goes into your work is simply astonishing.
Kind regards,
Megan Elliott.
How about interview by email. Then I can do it fast and clear .
That would be amazing thank you for this opportunity. So what would you say inspired you to start taking images and what made you realise this was something you wanted to continue throughout your life?
It looked like fun! And then it was fun !!
And then little by little I had ten images. All
Portraits. That I liked. And then fifteen. I sold prints fr $2.50.
Soon haD a bunch of images or a bunch of $$&&
Important thing was I liked the other people who fooled around w cameras like me. Having friends who loved fooling w cameras was VERY critical. I wd say at the top of my list.
I surely didn’t know I was doing something with my life. I was fumbling around like all
Kids. It was in looking BACK that I realized I had done something.
So was it quite successful selling your work on the street? It must've been an amazing experience to go out with your work and let people see and buy it from the person who took the images themselves, being able to see their reactions and find the image they love the most.
Well it was fun because I saw so
Many people I knew xnd really the price was so cheap. And it was from thanksgiving bro Christmas
I thought of it as fun. In those days there were jewelers and knitters all kinds of people HAWKING. U cd probably do it now. Where????????i did it almost fifty years ago. Prehistoric
That's just amazing, I would love to do what you did but I'm not sure many people will look my way as they're too busy or on their phones.
The images you took are truly amazing, what one would you say your favourite is? I've gone through so many of your images, but still struggle to pick a favourite.
You are right. People do different things while walking now. They are on their fones. Try it.
My favorite. Wow that is hard. Me. And my camera. From my web site.

That is a beautiful image, how many times have you had your work displayed? Hopefully once I finish university, I'll be able to create exhibitions with other people so I can show my work and possibly sell, quite ambitious seeming as though this is most people's goals
What ambition. Study look look
Look. Doesn’t have to be museums!!!!
Good luck. Look look
Look go to museums
Read art magazines.
Remember online art sites.
U asked how many shows I have had.
I was careless and didn’t count!!!!’
Maybe thirty or so
Less than one might think
Goood luck.
Onward elsa
Thank you, I'll be sure to do all those things. And thirty is still quite a lot! What show would you say was your favourite?
No favorite. Each one a lot of wrk. This my last response to u Wishing u good luck.
hi. i never kept count! have no idea. say thirty. i just dont know. not as many as you might think!!!!!!
if you wantto run a gallery then get jobs in galleries. or volunteer even. and get good grades. and be organized. it is a selling job!!!!! and it is abt creating a demand.
you might have to live in the city, any city. although there are a few galleries in chic towns outside nyc.
and you have to like rich people!!!!!! cause they are the taste makers!!!! imho. !!!!
disillusioned? i hope not.
oh yes, read art magazines and sites and go to museums.
Read article on Berenice abbott in current New York review of books. Important
Maybe it is online.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk with you, it really meant a lot to me. I will be sure to read the article and continue to find magazines and museums to visit. Thank you for the advice too, it's been a pleasure speaking with you.
Kind regards,