Critical Evaluation
Overall, this project was very successful. I was able to build a range of models and take a variety of photographs of the virtual, and real world.
However, I did encounter some difficulties throughout this project. Time management was the first, at first, I aimed to try and build and then photograph one model per week. This then became slightly harder as I was wanting to build more complex models and use images to build the model or turn the model into a ‘game’ and say the images are in-game photographs to give the illusion of a simulated world. As I wasn’t able to do this in this project, I intend to do this for my next project which will be keeping the same theme and research, but I intend to make it more professional and advanced.
As well as this, I may have been too ambitious when making my condensed journal/book. I found I felt rushed for time as I wanted to incorporate a model within that shows my two places of inspiration for my work and turn it into a game title scene where you choose your location/starting point.
All of this being said, I had many up sides to this project. I was able to contact an artist who lives in India and ask him about his work, it was a very pleasant and insightful conversation that benefitted my work greatly. I also taught myself a lot about the gaming world and industry which was very interesting. This new knowledge also helped my 301 work and my Dissertation immensely.
I was also able to gain a few more skills, from model making to virtual photography. I was able to put my work onto my social medias, and all of them gained a lot of good responses and some images of mine were then featured on Instagram pages – which also gained some good responses.
To improve this project, I plan to do some more in depth research into video game theory and ‘The Simulation Hypothesis’ as I feel this will fit in with my work very well. I also plan to create a three-dimensional map and enlarge some locations on the map into scale models and then photograph and create concept art pieces on the location and characters I plan to create.