I then created a group folder and an spreadsheet so everyone could mark the days they were, and were not available on the days Free Range takes place. I made this to make it easier for everyone to see when they may need to be in, as a few people were unable to make the 27th June.
I used a spreadsheet as the boxes could easily be filled in: red – not available, yellow – partially available, green – available all day.
I thought that by making this, it would be a lot clearer to see what days people were able to attend, as the space was not allowed to be empty, so this way, we can give ‘shifts’ to everyone so they have to be in for at least a day – this would also make it fair for everyone.

Jan, another member of the Curation team, then made a more detailed spreadsheet and marked out when everyone was available, and used that to say who should be in on what day to sure that more than one person was in the building at all times. It also showed us what will be happening on each day, this made it very clear and what we would need to expect on the days we were to be in the space for the day.
Green – mandatory.
Red – unable to attend.
Yellow – not needed, but welcome.
Pink – bar shift.
