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Library Task

Writer: Megan ElliottMegan Elliott

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

We were given the task to go to the library and find 3 different books from certain sections that would be of help to us. These are the books and the one visual artist I found.

Reframing Consciousness

Roy Ascott

Watching Dreams Unfold Models, pg.35

The effect of immersion in 3-D images is similar to what happens in a dream-like state where one is also immersed in three-dimensional space, viewing images of a symbolic nature. I.e. the hypnagogic state just before passing into slow-wave sleep in which holographic images in glorious colours arise. During one of four periods of REM sleep one watches the dream unfold - images are ready made - in the same way that they are an immersive work of art.

My response

When I found this book, I found that it ties in with both 301 and 304 very well. I found the section “watching dreams unfold” to be the most interesting and reminded me of games, as games are holographic images and you can almost become hypnotised by games and send yourself into an almost dream-like state.

But is it art?

Cynthia Freeland

Absence (of mind) pg.181

Films that encourage distance by featuring ever more cynical, and recognizable, action heroes, such as Alien Resurrection and Die Hard seem very dehumanizing. Their origins seem stronger, with compassionate protagonists who both manifest and evoke emotional engagement.

“The public is an examiner, but an absent-minded one.” An absent-minded public is dangerously close to a public with a vacant mind, or controlled mind. - Walter Benjamin – “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1939 – Digital Dissemination)

In this Benjamin argues that by mechanically repeating and reproducing a work of art its authenticity is lost.

My response

I found this quite interesting as it talks about how some films can dehumanizing, but this can also be said about games. The character or world is made to be much more dramatic - more emotional, stronger, extremely intelligent or even have nearly impossible backstories. They exaggerate the characters they create, making them less human.

The Playstation Dreamworld

Alfie Bown

The politics of former and future pleasures Retro Gaming, pg.106

Zizek argues that reality cannot be accessed by bypassing illusions, since reality is always mediated through the stories we tell about it. Yet, whilst this means that illusions are inescapable there is no reason to be ignorant of this situation. In fact, the function of ideology is to insist that we experience our illusions whilst believing them to be reality.

My response

This is a book that I am currently looking at for my dissertation. In the book there is a small section on the theorist Zisek. He talks about how we can never escape illusions - I used this to describe how even though games are fake realities/illusions, we play them so much we think of them as a real reality, or a reality we long to be a part of.

I plan to look into this theory more and find out more about it.

Visual Artist

Vatsal Kataria

Vatal Kataria is an artist based in India, he creates realistic miniature models using very cheap materials and then photographs them.

I chose him because I felt that his work tied in with the books I found as he creates fake realities and they can almost be dreamlike.

Most of his model are also inspired by games such as Call of Duty and FarCry.

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