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Skills Audit

Writer: Megan ElliottMegan Elliott

I decided to do a skills audit so I can see what my strengths and weaknesses are regarding my employability skills.

Audit your employability skills

Take some time to assess your employability skills and see how you can develop them throughout your time at Plymouth College of Art and beyond.

Employability Skill

Score yourself 1 - 5 ( 1 less skilled and 5 most skilled).

How can you evidence this skill?

How could you improve

this? Consider and list potential opportunities in and around your degree, paid/unpaid work, extra-curricular activities, etc.


Readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, resilience, self-starting, appropriate assertiveness,

time management


During the start of 3rd year, I was able to build, photograph, Photoshop and then write about a new model each week.

I also volunteered myself to be part of the curation team for Free Range.

Team Work

Respecting others, co-operating, negotiating/persuading,

contributing to discussions


Over the past 3 years, I have had to do a range of exhibitions and group presentations/photo shoots that required a great deal of teamwork. Each one turned out to be successful.

Business & Commercial Awareness

Basic understanding of the key drivers for business success, need to provide customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty


I have attended a few lectures/seminars on how to run a business etc…

I have also completed some commissioned paintings for a range of people.

I can do more research into business and commercial awareness so I can gain a deeper understanding.

Complex Problem Solving

Analysing facts and situations, applying creative thinking to develop appropriate solutions


During the start of Covid-19, I had to change my project to make it possible for me to continue, as materials were harder to get a hold of and time management became slightly less organised. So, by changing my project, I was able to keep on top of all of my work.

Communication & Literacy

Application of literacy, ability to produce clear, structured written work and oral communication - including listening and questioning


When presenting my work, I am able to provide a clear artist statement.

I am able to listen and respond to people’s work and suggestions during group crit sessions.

I can improve on asking questions as that is one of my weaker areas.

Application of IT

Word processing, spreadsheets, file management, use of search engines, social media, and industry relevant digital skills.


For my curation role for Free Range, I had to make some spreadsheets and documents.

I post on my social media account for my work and I have gained a small audience from that.

I also had to plan out a social media takeover for my cohort.


Manipulation of numbers, general mathematical awareness and

its application in practical contexts.


I have a GCSE in mathematics.

I am also able to plan out areas/sizes for exhibitions and create scale models/dioramas. This requires many measurements and scaling.

I can improve on my general mathematical awareness to make myself quicker with sums etc...

Project Management

Planning, organising, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.


I am able to plan, organise and control my resource for projects very well. I was able to build a new model each week, as well as photograph, Photoshop and then write about them.

I also bulk bought materials to ensure I always had enough and it worked out cheaper.

Intercultural Awareness

Everyday conversational ability, general awareness of cultural differences.


I do my best to stay in contact with people I know and network.

I also keep myself up to date with everything that I need to know so I can keep relationships professional.

I can work on my communication skills as I can get nervous to message people.

Social Responsibility

Awareness of current and future societal issues. Able to act for the benefit of others based on an understanding of social and

civic responsibilities.


I stay up to date with current issues and manage my work/time around that to help benefit myself and others.

I am cautious of sensitive issues that may affect some people and I act appropriately around it so I do not cause any harm to anyone and keep people safe.

Emotional Intelligence

Capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships effectively.


I always make sure to stay in touch with my emotions so it does not affect my work or others around me.

I also make sure I act professional around others who are in the same industry as me, those who may be enquiring about a piece of work I create and those who I may be interviewing etc…

Critical Thinking

Ability to understand, analyse, and interpret information and draw conclusions.


I have had to quickly change/adapt projects.

Negotiation and Influencing

Ability to change others’ attitudes, opinions or behaviour through

discussing an issue with one or more other people to determine ways to reach an agreement and mutual satisfaction


Some people do not agree or like the topic of my current project. After explaining to them what the project is about and how I hope to seek empathy through my images, many people quickly changed how they felt about it and realised the thought behind the images produced.


Working Towards Your Future. CBI/NUS (2011)

Brilliant Career Handbook. Harlow: Pearson. Done, J & Mulvey, R (2011)


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This is the photobook I created to acompany my images at the Free Range Exhibition.


Throughout this academic year, I have been able to raise my skills , build numerous contacts, gain experience within the industry and...


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