Nukt is the second image of this project. It depicts a fear many people suffer from, Nyctophobia, the fear of the dark or shadows in the dark.
Nyctophobia comes from the Greek word Nukt or Nux, meaning night, and Phobos, meaning fear.
I created this image in hope to describe a fear without using words. The fear of darkness and things what may be within the darkness.
When I was younger, I struggled to sleep and the lack of sleep would play tricks on me and make me see shadows that weren't actually there. As I grew older, it stopped on it's own, but it is one of the main causes of the small fear of the dark when I'm on my own and all around me is silent. It has an eeriness to it that is quite unsettling. This is also why the poster is in the light - a gentle reminder not to believe everything you think. It's not always real.
