For my second shoot, I decided to move onto a different fear - nyctophobia, the fear of the dark or shadows in the dark.
To start this shoot, I first built a ram skull mask. I bought a template of the mask from Etsy and printed around 13 pages and started to assemble it. This took around 6 hours to complete, see below for the results.
I then coated the horns in cotton wool to add texture and to try and remove the geometric shapes from the assembly. I then started to paint the horns brown and then added more detail to create more texture.
Finally, I covered the rest of the mask in tissue and then painted it to make it look more like a skull. See below for the final result.
As well as this, I also made the costume for this 'being' in the horror world/level.
I then went on to make the model, I made a small, simple room with a bed, television and a poster on the wall.

The television was inspired by the one I used to have when I was younger - it was big and boxy, not entirely practical. I put a light inside the television to give it an onimos glow,
I then went on to shoot myself in the costume I made and the model.

I started off by shooting the room, this way I could play with the shadows and angles that I wanted. I used my small 36 LED light and moved it to get different shadows - I mainly wanted the shadow to fill the corner of the room - this would then make it look like the television was casting the shadow, or a slightly open door.

I then used my green screen and tried to match the angle of the wall in the photos I took.
Here is the final outcome of the image. I put the masked figure in the corner of the room to make the image look eerie and the poster in the light to make it stand out more. The Death's Head Hawkmoth is also in the shadows and is one of the four objects/beings that must be found within the horror world. Overall, I think this image was successful and I was able to make the image look creepy. The colour scheme matches a lot too - the poster, bed sheet and the hawkmoth are all warm reds/oranges and the walls, floor, furniture and the masked figure are all very neutral colours.
I called this image Nukt based upon the fear Nyctophobia, the fear of the dark or shadows in the dark, which comes from the greek work 'nux' or 'nukt' which means night and 'phobos' which means phobia.

Here are the individual images I took for this image.