I decided to re-shoot my image, Thalassa, after a group crit session. We discussed that the image may have been too busy and too bright. See below for more details.n

1.) The light in the top corner was too distracting and drew their attention away from the main subjects within the image.
2.) The background is quite grainy and a bit too bright - try to make it darker to make it look more eerie.
3.) There may be too much in the image - it takes away the feeling of isolation and emptiness.
4.) Try removing the person in the middle, it may make the image more mysterious and haunting.
5.) The water ripples/reflections on the people are good, it gives it a stronger illusion of being underwater.
6.) The person in the middle is quite captivating - the motion they are in is quite eerie.
7.) The fact that all of the people are floating (I had to be suspended in the air while the image was taken) makes it very theatrical, it adds more meaning to the image that you yourself was not touching the ground.
I decided to reshoot the underwater part, I kept the same images of the people, but changed the size and order of them.

I took my time on this image a lot more and added more detail.
I then decided to put a poll on my Instagram page to see which image people preferred. 15 people (88%) voted for my first image and 2 people (12%) voted for my second image.
I found I liked both images, there are clearly improvements to be made on both images and I plan to work on these further if I find I need more images for this project.